Need our care?
Please call or Email us:
Tallahassee: 850.656.6269
Fax: 850.877.5270
Email: [email protected]
We would love to see how we can help you find long-term relief through the fields of immunology and allergy treatment.

Shot Hours
No injections will be given after the designated shot closing time because of the need for a 15 minute waiting time after the injection. Please sign in on the allergy injection sign-in sheet and wait in the waiting room to be called.
Tallahassee Office
Monday: 8:00 AM – 11:45 AM | 1:00 PM-5:15 PM
Tuesday: Closed for Injections
Wednesday: 7:30 AM – 4:15 PM (injections given through lunch)
Thursday: 7:30 AM – 11:45 AM | 1:00 PM – 4:15 PM
Frequently Asked Questions
Most frequent questions and answers
What is the difference between an Allergist/Immunologist and an ENT/Otolaryngologist Allergist?
Both complete 4 years of college and 4 years of medical school
ENT’s generally do a 1 year general surgery residency and then a 4 year otolaryngology surgery residency where they learn to do surgical procedures like putting in ear tubes, taking out tonsils, straightening septums, reducing the size of turbinates, removing polyps and operating with special scopes and balloon catheters to open the sinuses and use lasers to remove nodules from the vocal cords, etc. Some ENT’s will go on to do extra 1 or 2 years of fellowship training in one of the following specialized areas of otolaryngology surgery: Head and Neck Oncologic Surgery, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Otology (ear, hearing and balance), Neurotology (middle and inner ear, temporal bone, skull base and dizziness), Rhinolgy and Sinus Surgery (Sinusitis, Allergy, Anterior Skull base and snoring), Laryngology and Voice Disorders, Pediatric Otolaryngology and Sleep Medicine.
Allergist/Immunologist complete a 3 year medical residency in pediatrics or internal medicine and then a 2 or 3 year fellowship in allergy/immunology where they are trained to diagnose, treat and manage allergies, asthma and immunologic disorders that can be rare and complex to very common. Allergist use allergy skin test to determine allergic hypersensitivity to employ treatments that can include desensitization with allergy injections. Asthma is caused by an alteration in the immune system and allergist focus on treating this common and debilitating condition. They also treat the immunologic based skin diseases like atopic dermatitis, urticaria and angioedema.
Allergist’s are medical doctors who are trained to treat allergies and immune dysfunction.
ENT’s are surgeons who are trained to use surgical procedures to treat conditions that are amenable to surgery.
ENT’s are as good at treating allergy as allergist’s are at doing surgery.
What do I do in case of an emergency?
The Southeast Asthma and Allergy Center is a consultant practice. This means that our job is focused on diagnosis, patient education and treatment recommendations in our areas of expertise. We specialize in preventative care medicine. Our efforts are focused on keeping you well not in providing care during emergencies. In this regard, we do provide our patients with detailed plans for dealing with their medical condition when it suddenly becomes more severe or out of control. This plan should always be implemented first; however, when your condition is rapidly worsening, we do not have the ability to care for most emergency problems after hours. Dr. Malone’s commitment to practice in two different states means that he is not able to provide in hospital or emergency care. Because he is in solo practice and has an extensive lecturing schedule that keeps him traveling nearly every week, he is not able to routinely answer patient phone calls after hours. Your primary care physician, urgent care center or even emergency room should be your major source of emergency help after you have exhausted your emergency treatment plan. Dr. Malone will try to take calls from these sources to consult with them about your care if they need extra advice from him.
For a rapidly developing reaction causing hives, swelling of hands, feet or face, breathing difficulties and/or sneezing, runny nose, severe congestion and itchy eyes and nose then do the following:
Try to take some kind of antihistamine medication like benadryl, hydroxyzine, Claritin (loratidine), Zyrtec (ceterizine), Clarinex, Fexofenadine, Chlortrimeton or any other medication like this (even with other medications combined with it) as quickly as possible if it is available (even if recently taken before you received the injection).
If wheezing or shortness of breath is occurring and you have albuterol on hand please administer it and repeat again in a few minutes if necessary.
If you have an Epi-Pen Injector or Epinephrine to give by injection then you should go ahead and administer it if you are not improving significantly with the above therapy.
Tallahassee Office (850) 656-6269 Ext. #1
If during office hours call the following # while you drive back to our office:If we are closed call toll free (800) 241-5077 or (229) 228-2000 and have the Archbold Hospital operator page me. If I do not call back in a timely manner and the reaction is worsening then proceed to a facility where an epinephrine injection can be administered.